Frequently Asked Questions
How does it work?
AntCant™ has been formulated to create a surface to which ants and potentially other insects cannot adhere and gain traction. When applied to an inclined surface the ants effectively slip off the surface and cannot cross that barrier.
How is the coating applied?
The coating is sprayed or brushed on to uniformly wet the surface. The solvent evaporates quickly and care should be taken to not over apply the coating since this will result in cracking and potential flaking which can minimize effectiveness. If this occurs the coating can be easily removed with a paper towel. A minimum of an approximately one inch barrier should be created around the object to be protected from infestation. For example, if you desire to keep ants from entering a trash can or climbing a bird feeder holder, an ~1-2 inch wide ring of the barrier coating should be applied completely around the base of the trash can or bird feeder holder.

On what types of surfaces does it work?
The product has been effectively tested to stop Argentine ants from traversing a variety of inclined surfaces including tape (aluminum, packing, masking, Gorilla and plastic), stainless steel, granite, and plastic. The coating is most effective on smooth surfaces. The image on the home page shows a plastic dog bowl either treated (right outside) or untreated (left) and baited with wet dog food.
At what incline does the surface have to be greater than?
The surface should be at a greater than 30˚ angle for maximum effectiveness.
How long does it last?
The dry coating should last for many months, if the dry coating is not handled, subjected to abrasion, or exposed to detergents or oils. The product is stable and effective when exposed to rain.
Does the product change the appearance of the coated surface?
The dried coating is a translucent white color that can be visible on dark surfaces. On lighter surfaces the product is almost non-detectable.